The Greater Accra Regional Minister Hon. Henry Quartey and the Minister of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, Mr. Ebenezer Kojo Kum, Council of State Member for Greater Accra, Hon. Enoch Teye Mensah on Thursday honored an invitation by the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs to be part of their General Meeting. He used the opportunity to discuss issues relating to Chieftaincy in the region and appealed to them to resolve all chieftaincy conflicts and also to advice culprits who engage in the multiple sales of lands in the Greater Accra Region to desist from such acts. Henry Quartey urged them to enter into proper land acquisition processes with estate developers and institutions for them to help develop areas such as schools, hospitals, markets, Astroturf’s among other developmental projects for Ga-Dangbes. He added that the move will enable them secure scholarships for the indigenes, among others as part of their corporate social responsibilities. The Minister spoke on the need for them to provide a parcel of land measuring not less than 30 acres to be used for the construction of befitting offices and chalets for the 13 traditional Councils. Adding that they should up their games and ensure that all the Paramouncies are fully represented the house. This he said was due to the fact that out of the thirteen (13) only five (5) Paramouncies are represented in the house. The President of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs Nene Ngogmowuyaa Kwesi Animle 111who is also the Osudoku Mantse and his Vice King Odaifio Welentsi 11, Nungua Mantse espressed their appreciation to their the Miniaters and the council of state member and pledged their readiness to ensuring amicable settlements to all concerns raised.

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