Traditional and Religious Leaders’ Training

The department of Children held a two day consultative training on 4th and 5th March, 2024.This was to orient and train Religious and Traditional Leaders on Child Protection Issues and the use of the various tool kits. There were four (4) presentations from each leader. The first presentation was made by the Regional Director on the theme: Understanding Child Protection in which he mentioned some laws, policies and Acts that protects children. The 2nd presentation was delivered by the Christian religion on the Biblical Mandate of Child Protection giving the historical perspective with a backup from the scriptures. He also mentioned the wrong interpretation people make when interpreting the scripture on child protection and the positive ways children can be discipline.In addition, the Islamic Mandate on Child Protection was the 3rd Presentation from the Imam. He stated that, the Islamic setting of Child Protection begins from conception and that parents must be cautious of the environment they bring up their children.The 4th presentation was on Key Roles of Religious and Traditional Leaders. The facilitator urged leaders to work hand in hand with the government to seek the best interest and welfare of the child.

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